
Vietnam, like many other countries, has struggled with the implementation of educational technologies for various reasons including lack of resources to inadequate teacher training (Vietnam's challenges with Educational Technology, 2013). A study of 600 teachers in South Vietnam from primary school through university level demonstrated that of the study participants males had a greater self efficacy when it comes to using technology. Overall the age and position of the teachers queried made a difference in how teachers rated their comfort and use of technology. Additionally, teachers at the college level showed more comfort with and use of technology in a classroom environment (Tran et al., 2020). A 2021 study by Tran Viet, et al that focused on Kindergarten teachers' use of technology found that teachers report using smart TVs and laptops for lesson planning, communication, and presentations. However, further integration of technology was reported to be less likely due to a lack of tools and technical skills. The results of the study of over 800 teachers noted a difference in responses based on the location of schools, be it in rural, urban, or suburban areas (Tran Viet, 2021).

Covid pushed Vietnam, like all countries around the world, to take a hard look at their education system. Returning to school brings challenges with Covid still present, expectations for learning, and student needs. Three levels of education have been suggested by Professor Nguyen Trong Hoai, HCM City Economics University for the new in-person learning environment. Level one is online platforms for primary students that are studied while in classrooms. Support for students is provided by in person teachers while students progress through their online class. Depending on education levels a hybrid approach could also be used where students are learning the theory of subjects online and in person projects and testing is completed with the teacher in the classroom. The third type of learning is a blended classroom or flipped model where students learn the subject matter and complete tasks in both an online and in person model where learners take the lead and control their learning (Trong Hoai , 2021). While these approaches are a strong idea the drawback is the aforementioned lack of teachers who are trained and prepared to use technology integrated teaching.

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