Grades K-2


Here are examples of lessons I observed in Vietnam that were in Grades K-2. I have labeled different parts of the lesson with their SAMR designation.

Kindergarten English

  1. Students are completing a word search in workbook

  2. Textbook with wordsearch shown on screen for hep and reference (Substitution)

  3. Teacher and helper constantly moving around assisting students with finding words in word search

  4. Quizizz game shown on the screen, for each question, students write word loud or soft to show how the letter sounds (Augmentation)

  5. During game teacher and assistant moving around checking writing encouraging best handwriting, pointing out areas for improvement

What I noticed:

  • Excellent way to use technology without have devices for each student

  • Kids were excited to answer on their boards and share with the teacher

Grade 2 ESOL

  1. Community lesson with placement words like in front, behind, between

  2. Slides for class practice (Substitution)

  3. Game with flash cards

    • Student pulls a card and reads word

    • Moves to match what the card describes (I am in front of the desk)

What I noticed:

  • Students enjoyed the movement part where they became the location and others made sentences to move them around

  • Tech would not have necessarily enhanced this lesson

Grade 1 ESOL

  1. Showing workbook on screen (Substitution)

  2. Flashcards with actions, students do the actions

  3. Computer pronounces a word or phrase from the lesson and kids hit picture showing that action with hammer (Augmentation)

  4. I can I can't game uses slides to prompt student sentences (Augmentation)

What I noticed:

  • Students were eager to participate and use the hammer to play the game

  • The pace of the lesson was quick and didn't allow for students to get board

Grade 1 English

  1. Making instruments by following directions on screen (Augmentation)

  2. Teacher introduced then assisted with staple, tape as needed, encouraged creativity and trying multiple solutions

  3. Collaboration between kids to solve problems naturally, not teacher led

  4. Very little directions, leave for students to discover how to make the instruments and how ti change the sounds made

  5. Students very excited, many tried multiple ways to make music, some had more than one way, sticks, shake

  6. When student filled instrument to full, Teacher demonstrated that it made no sound asked what to do, Student took out some of the rice/beans

  7. When rice and beans stuck to tape one student used stick to hit, made sounds, loosened the rice and beans for shaking. All on own, not T directed

  8. Students practiced playing quietly and loudly as directed by teacher, then did a review of vocabulary

What I noticed:

  • Additional technology not needed, but if they wanted to add flipgrid kids show instruments tell what they used demo sound

  • Could also include families to make sounds by havind studentsw collect house materials to bring in for the experiment