Grades 6-12 Observations

Here are examples of lessons I observed in Vietnam that were in Grades 6-12. I have labeled different parts of the lesson with their SAMR designation.

Grade 8 Science Class

  1. PowerPoint of lesson: review vocabulary in teams (Substitution)

  2. Anagram on wordwall Teams compete to see who can solve the most puzzles (Augmentation)

  3. Missions to complete in Microsoft Teams. Assignment to use Canva template about misunderstood animals. Students used textbooks and internet to find facts. (Modifiction)

  • Find names of animals studied matching to missing letters

  • Find a different animal not in the lesson on the internet and find a misconception to teach class about

  • Write sentences with vocab words

The focus of student presentations was fluency and pronunciation of English language within Science curriculum.

What I noticed:

  • Students were excited, but were really quiet as they worked

  • There was lots of collaboration and communication between groups

  • Teacher encouraged to split work between team members in order to complete the missions some chose to work as one on each mission and some split the work but still checked in with each other

  • Teacher constant movement around room, gave feedback, asked questions, announced time left for work, prompting not answering directly.

  • Students share learning in presentations. Each member introduced themselves, took turns sharing info they created.

  • Reflection time after presentation gave the groups time to reflect and determine how to improve on presentation and group work for next assignment

  • Was quick, short time given, encouraged kids to delegate and work on different parts, this gave less time to get distracted and stay focused on work

Grade 6 Science

  1. Slides review of previous learning (Substitution)

  2. Boiling point melting point fill in blanks, order words (Augmentation)

  3. Display textbook (Substitution)

  4. Experiment to find melting point. Make predictions, create chart for recording and Interactive slides/animations to show experiment


  1. Answer questions

  2. Create bar chart, leading questions

  3. Discuss and demonstrate bar chart on screen (Augmentation)

What I noticed:

  • Students eager to answer, share, ask questions

  • SAMR level for Animations modification- no materials to do assignment in classroom, use animations to demonstrate the experiment

  • Kids said "Nice animations teacher!" during the experiment presentaton

  • Teacher moves around room, asking questions giving feedback

  • Students are eager to share and speak in English, comfort level very evident

Grade 9 Science

  1. Recycling video with captions (Augmentation)

  2. Teacher stops video for discussion and answering questions students have about the content

  3. Teacher encourages students to seek recycling symbols on objects in the room, for example they look at water bottles to see which plastic is which

  4. Textbook displayed on screen (Substitution)

  5. Vocabulary review Ss linked infinity to finite

  6. Students worked on workbook Teacher circulates and answers questions, clarifies unknown terms like reserves

  7. Linked previous learning

  8. Display answers on screen to check and encourage self reflection of answers (Substitution)

  9. Review I can statements for the lesson

What I noticed:

  • Video explained each type of recycling and expanded on book info, captions aided in the English acquisition

  • Ss were quiet but volunteered answers when prompted

  • Possible integrations of technology could be done within this lesson, but the level would still be Substitution based on the assignments

STEM grade 8 (class taught in Vietnamese)

  1. Students reviewed their activity of building a model of a house

  2. Each student assumed roles and went to work, often checking in with others through the progress

  3. Students are

    • measuring the area in the house and making pieces, attaching to model home

    • using ruler to measure door, use cutter to cut out

    • using clay to make furniture, decor pieces

    • continuously mixing paint samples, asking for inout, then paiting floor

    • discussing proportion of objects too big and too small

  4. Teacher watches provides feedback and materials when asked

What I noticed:

  • Great connection with math: measurement geometry, area, perimeter

  • Art color theory and design of spaces

  • Changing of roles from clay and door making to painting and decor

  • Tech could be added with an online design program

STEM grade 7 (class taught in Vietnamese)

  1. Students have video of final product on their LMS and it showing on a screen in front of room (Augmentation)

  2. They have cardboard and start figuring out steps

  3. Students have devices to look up video with step by step directions. Some immediately start others need teacher's encouragement

  4. Students complete as much as possible in time frame and then they mark progress point for next class

What I noticed:

  • Applying math skills with measurement and making circles

  • Some groups have natural leaders others work together

  • Teacher is constantly moving checking in on progress answering questions

  • Some students completely focused, others not interested

  • I wonder if tying into a subject area or a student wanr to connect learning with project would help, i.e. produce a candy conveyor belt

Grade 10 English:

  1. Gallery walk: students are given words and phrases and then move around the room to match words and phrases to pictures around the room

  2. Words are adjectives and pictures are images around Vietnam that students recognize

  3. Class discussion: where is the photo, who placed words here and why this choice, explain in Vietnamese if needed

  4. Workbook focusing on adjectives, practice doing a read aloud

  5. Sort words by people, place, weather, or journey. Some words fit more than one category

  6. Workbook display on screen (SUBSTITUTION)

  7. Work in pairs to complete sentences

What I noticed:

  • You could do these activities with technology at an augmented or even modification level, however the English level of students in this class necessitates less tech more group discussions

Grade 9 Math

  1. Teacher passed out tests from previous class

  2. Show notes on screen for test to review (Substitution)

  3. PowerPoint on screen with notes and lesson (Augmentation due to content)

  4. Students take turns working on chalkboard drawing and solving problems from the test they got correct to help others

  5. Calculators available for as needed when working on problems

What I noticed:

  • Tech would not have necessarily enhanced this lesson it needed the hands on writing

  • Students asked questions and worked to figure out missed problems, teacher was eager and encouraging

Grade 8 English

  1. Start with check in to gauge how everyone is feeling today

  2. Review unit 1 by creating a mind map, slides on screen for review (Substitution)

  3. Discuss and map: What is Primary and Secondary research

  4. Discuss and map: What makes a good research

  5. Discuss and map: Primary and secondary where do you find information

  6. Move on to unit 2 Analyzing research

What I noticed:

  • Students must have been unusually quiet as Teacher asked me to come daily

  • Teacher asked questions, students shared their learning

  • Teacher encouraged creativity use of colors to organize thoughts

  • Teacher advised students to keep it to remember as move on

  • Possible tech integration: Canva to create an individual or group presentation on their learning

Grade 6 STEM (class taught in Vietnamese)

  1. Students come in and immediately get to work, not waiting on instructions or Teacher to tell them. Not first class, already started build.

  2. Popsicle sticks hot glue rubber bands cups straws, other materials as Students ask or find

  3. Students test strength of cup attached to stick

  4. Teacher moves to groups, sometimes talks sometimes observes

  5. "Ooohhh" as they figure stuff out

  6. Testing leads to more conversation and reworking

  7. Frame easy, moving parts are causing issues and each group has a different solution for the throwing mechanism

  8. Made missile from paper, wasn't effective Teacher got marble and it worked

  9. Still have to adjust, put stick parts inside paper to make heavier missile

  10. Distance, strength of toss, kind of ammunition, angles all considered in the testing

  11. One test ricochets off wall and knocks down, unintended but worked

  12. Each of the groups were successful in creating, each made different

What I noticed:

  • Students were focused and eager to do this experiment.

  • 90% active participation

  • A great tie in would be with history class and weapons fro different wars

  • No technology used in this class, but they had seen models previously